Duke N. - Entry #44
My power, like many, was shut off Tuesday 2/16 and within a 24 hour span it only came on for less than 3 hours total. Of course my generator decided to stop working, but I was able to get two bubblers going. Pulled out my propane burner and started a rotation of warm water bottles in hopes of saving my fishes/coral. My wife, toddler, infant, elderly mom, and myself had to camp out in the living that night in front of our fireplace. The next day our house dropped to 41°F and I had to make a decision to move everyone out of the house. We finally got back into my house Thursday to find two broken pipes. But this was not even the worst part about the week. My dad has been in the ICU trying to recover from a quadruple bypass. That Friday I had to make a decision to put him on hospice and bring him home with us. He was so happy to see my mom and his grand kids one last time, but we lost him that Saturday. Within 24 hours, my mom loss her battle with stage 4 lung cancer.
Overall, my 75 gallon quarantine tank in the garage was a complete loss. Inside the house, 4 clown loaches that were at least 18 years old died and too many corals to count including a Uranium and OG Bounce and a few high end torches. But the biggest disappointment was my daughter’s 25 gallon clown tank. Which little girl doesn’t like her Nemo? The tank sits in front of her bedroom and she’s been asking about grandma and her fishes. I can’t bring back grandma, but I promised her we’ll rebuild her tank once things have settled down a little. So this would be her tank if we won. Thank you for putting on such a generous giveway and we appreciate everything you are doing for the fish community.
Overall, my 75 gallon quarantine tank in the garage was a complete loss. Inside the house, 4 clown loaches that were at least 18 years old died and too many corals to count including a Uranium and OG Bounce and a few high end torches. But the biggest disappointment was my daughter’s 25 gallon clown tank. Which little girl doesn’t like her Nemo? The tank sits in front of her bedroom and she’s been asking about grandma and her fishes. I can’t bring back grandma, but I promised her we’ll rebuild her tank once things have settled down a little. So this would be her tank if we won. Thank you for putting on such a generous giveway and we appreciate everything you are doing for the fish community.