Steve S. - Entry #40
Like so many others in Texas we were impacted by the winter storm and endured freezing temperatures without power. I had installed an Icecap battery backup which did buy me some time but that too soon ran out, My recently set up reef tank was at about 55 degrees with newly stocked corals and a pair of clown fish. I felt helpless! The clown fish were not doing well and I knew I had to do something. We had a fire going as our only source of heat. I was able to get the fish into a 2..5 gallon bucket and put near the fire to raise the temperature. The whole family took turns blowing bubbles int0 the bucket through a tube, we did this for over a day to try and save them. We all stayed huddled in front of that fireplace for days, along with our Shih Tzu and Green Cheek Conure. I am happy to say the clown fish survived and so did most of the corals (so did all the other pets!). Thoughts go out to others that were not as lucky!